Sara Maloni – The action of the mapping class group on the relative character variety of the four-holed sphere Carte non disponible Date/heure Date(s) - 5 avril 2013 Catégories Pas de Catégories In this talk we will consider the $SL(2,C)$-character variety $X$ of the four-holed sphere $S$, and the natural action of the mapping class group $MCG(S)$ on it. In particular, we will describe a domain of discontinuity for the action of $MCG(S)$ on the relative character varieties $X_{(a,b,c,d)}$, which is the set of representations of the fundamental group $\pi_1(S)$ into $SL(2,C)$ for which the traces of the boundary curves are fixed. Time permitting, in the case of real characters, we’ll show that this domain of discontinuity may be non-empty on the components where the relative euler class is non-maximal. (This is a joint work with F. Palesi and S. P. Tan.)