Pierre PONTAROTTI – Roadmap to study convergent evolution, a proposition for evolutionary system biology approaches Carte non disponible Date/heure Date(s) - 23 septembre 2015 Catégories Pas de Catégories Most of the authors studying convergent evolution think about the apparition of similar phenotype in two evolutionary independent lineages. (Conway Morris 2003 , McGee 2011, Losos 2011 , Gordon et al 2015). From this broad definition the authors focus in they case studies : echolocation (Parker et al 2013) or the repetitive adaptations of marine mammals (Foote et la 2015). One of The goal of my presentation is to show that these cases of repetitive similarities should be defined in a better way. Lot of tries have been done since the 20th century, but these add more confusions (Arendt and Reznick 2008). From ours point of view the confusion came from the fact that most of the authors gave sub definitions based on the genetic mechanisms involved in the evolution of the convergent evolving character. We propose two neologims that can be apply to all the biological level : isoconvergent and alloconvergent evolution Iso from the same ancestral state allo from a different ancestral state . This distinction is important as in the case iso convergent evolution , one can suspect that the underlying molecular mechanism could be similar(Stern and Orgozozo 2008) . Such cases could be used as meta-model (Kopp 2009) that in turn can be used to decipher biological mechanisms at genetic, epigenetic, transcriptional level and other biological levels. We propose 1) to reanalyse all the case of convergent evolutions at phenotypic level decribed in the litterature and sort out the case of isoconvergences,2) A strategy to identify undescribed cases of iso convergent evolution and 3) a road map to study thes cases at the different biological level and 4) the development of a data base. (joint work with Justine Dardaillon and Laurent Tichit, I2M) Webpage Pierre PONTAROTTI [
Pierre PONTAROTTI – Roadmap to study convergent evolution, a proposition for evolutionary system biology approaches Carte non disponible Date/heure Date(s) - 23 septembre 2015 Catégories Pas de Catégories Most of the authors studying convergent evolution think about the apparition of similar phenotype in two evolutionary independent lineages. (Conway Morris 2003 , McGee 2011, Losos 2011 , Gordon et al 2015). From this broad definition the authors focus in they case studies : echolocation (Parker et al 2013) or the repetitive adaptations of marine mammals (Foote et la 2015). One of The goal of my presentation is to show that these cases of repetitive similarities should be defined in a better way. Lot of tries have been done since the 20th century, but these add more confusions (Arendt and Reznick 2008). From ours point of view the confusion came from the fact that most of the authors gave sub definitions based on the genetic mechanisms involved in the evolution of the convergent evolving character. We propose two neologims that can be apply to all the biological level : isoconvergent and alloconvergent evolution Iso from the same ancestral state allo from a different ancestral state . This distinction is important as in the case iso convergent evolution , one can suspect that the underlying molecular mechanism could be similar(Stern and Orgozozo 2008) . Such cases could be used as meta-model (Kopp 2009) that in turn can be used to decipher biological mechanisms at genetic, epigenetic, transcriptional level and other biological levels. We propose 1) to reanalyse all the case of convergent evolutions at phenotypic level decribed in the litterature and sort out the case of isoconvergences,2) A strategy to identify undescribed cases of iso convergent evolution and 3) a road map to study thes cases at the different biological level and 4) the development of a data base. (joint work with Justine Dardaillon and Laurent Tichit, I2M) Webpage Pierre PONTAROTTI [