– H. Omer (LATP) : Estimation of frequency modulations on wideband signals, applications to audio signal analysis

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Date(s) - 11 avril 2013

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Estimation of frequency modulations on wideband signals, applications to audio signal analysis By Harold Omer, LATP. Abstract: The problem of joint estimation of power spectrum and modulation from realizations of frequency modulated stationary wideband signals is considered. The study is motivated by some specific signal classes from which departures to stationarity can carry relevant information and has to be estimated. The estimation procedure is based upon explicit modeling of the signal as a wideband stationary Gaussian process, transformed by time-dependent, smooth frequency modulation. Under such assumptions, an approximate expression for the second order statistics of the transformed signal’s Gabor transform is obtained, which leads to an approximate maximum likelihood estimation procedure.

– H. Omer (LATP) : Estimation of frequency modulations on wideband signals, applications to audio signal analysis

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Date(s) - 11 avril 2013

Catégories Pas de Catégories

Estimation of frequency modulations on wideband signals, applications to audio signal analysis\n\nBy Harold Omer, LATP.\n\nAbstract :\nThe problem of joint estimation of power spectrum and modulation from realizations of frequency modulated stationary wideband signals is considered.\nThe study is motivated by some specific signal classes from which departures to stationarity can carry relevant information and has to be estimated.\nThe estimation procedure is based upon explicit modeling of the signal as a wideband stationary Gaussian process, transformed by time-dependent, smooth frequency modulation. Under such assumptions, an approximate expression for the second order statistics of the transformed signal’s Gabor transform is obtained, which leads to an approximate maximum likelihood estimation procedure.[