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Séminaire RAUZY
13 décembre 2024/11 h 00 min - 12 h 30 min
Bonjour à Tou-tes,
Ce vendredi 13 décembre à 11h à la Frumam nous écouterons Solène ESNAY
parler de la dynamique de la percolation dans les pavages par losanges.
13 décembre, Solène ESNAY Bootstrap Percolation on Rhombus Tilings
In this talk, we introduce dynamical (bootstrap) percolation, where a
tiling of the plane has each tile independently colored 0 or 1 following
a measure mu; then the 1 state propagates step by step to tiles adjacent
to at least two 1-colored tiles. We are interested in the asymptotic
behavior of this system, which is a cellular automaton with a spreading
1 state: is the entire tiling asymptotically invaded by 1s from
mu-almost every initial configuration?
We answer this question positively for a wide variety of tilings (all
rhombus tilings, with a focus during the presentation on Penrose
tilings) and measures (a large class that includes nontrivial Bernoulli
measures). We do so with a careful study of what stable non-invading
patches of 1s would look like, then with probabilistic arguments as to
why this situation mu-almost never happens.